Fitness is For People of All Ages Including Senior Citizens

September 18, 2012 sarah Uncategorized

One of the hardest things to do is getting back in shape with a new fitness regimen after being away for years. The logic of this statement can’t be denied when you take into account how you are living your life at present. Your lifestyle has been devoid of any kind of exercise routine for a long time and this was your choice. You are facing a rough road and some hard work when you have let yourself get out of shape. You must face up to the fact that you must get past psychological blocks as well as physical limitations. However, the rewards can make all the work worth it if you can begin and then stick with it long enough. Your level of your physical fitness rides on your level of health. You are the one who is responsible to see that your health is optimum.

However, if it has been a while since you worked out, use your head and start slow and easy. For many people, it has been many years since they were physically active. Everyone needs to check with his or her doctor before beginning a fitness regime. This is especially true if you are around your mid-thirties or older. It’s also important, when you are planning your workouts, to consider any pre-existing health issues you might have. When your doctor has given you the green light, start slow and always warm up with some upper and lower body stretches. When you are doing cardio routines, if this is what you have chosen, it is only necessary to do enough to bring your heart rate up.

Many people are impatient or pressed for time and fail to adequately prepare their bodies for exercise. In order to prevent injury, the first thing you must do before you exercise is stretch out your muscle groups. It doesn’t take long to stretch and warm up your upper body. All you need to do are some easy, gentle stretches. You can stretch these muscles by gently twisting from side to side and bending forward and backward from your waist. With your hands on the waist, gently twist your upper body alternating left and right. It’s also important to warm up and stretch your upper back and neck. So in that case you can do forward bends but be careful to avoid bending too far.

If you need to get in better health and have children, then those facts are perfect for fitness as a family. Children really need to see their parents doing what they are asking them to do. You need a family meeting to set the ground rules, which everyone should follow. Getting into shape as a family can be fun, so it needs to be decided with everyone having input. Working out as a family is great for family health, plus other things. Most family problems stem from lack of communication, so exercising as a family and talking about it will reap many benefits. It has long been put forth by health professionals and the medical community that anyone – no matter what their age – can improve their health and fitness. If you are severely out of shape, then maybe you can begin the road back to good health with a friend. This is not an idea to dismiss lightly. You and your significant other – or a friend – can begin the road back to fitness together. Then with that approach it can become a good social outlet plus it is easier with somebody else. But if not, then that is all right because you can just do it on your own. Don’t try to run the three-minute mile the first week of your exercise regimen. Start out slowly – maybe a walk in the park or at the mall – and add in some simple exercises or stretches when you are at home.

One does not have to look far to see how expansive the influence of fat loss factor really is. You know how it is with folks because you are probably the same; no attention is paid unless there is an issue.

The best approach is to try to maintain an awareness as much as you can. If you only would examine your own and others’ behavior you will discover that preventatives is low on the priority list for so many. It certainly does seem that mobilizing to deal with it comes about only after the fact. Be that as it may, there is never anything wrong with just being informed and taking whatever measures that are necessary or represent common sense.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this document is intended as a substitute for proper medical advice. Always check with your doctor prior to beginning a new exercise program or diet. Any use of the information provided here is at the reader’s sole discretion and risk.

start slow, upper body,

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