When Life Hands You a Lemon, Make Lemonade!

September 3, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

We live in trying times. The economy is in decline. Unemployment is up and still rising. House prices keep dropping and foreclosures keep climbing. Things are tough all over.

If your home might become subject to foreclosure, cheer up! There is help coming! Not only new government programs to keep people in their homes but more understanding amongst lenders that foreclosing is an expensive solution for them! They save tons of money if they can somehow negotiate with the house occupants to stay on!

Can you imagine how awful you would feel if they changed the rules so that you could keep your house? And this happened two weeks AFTER your home was foreclosed on and lost?

You don’t have to stand by and watch your house be foreclosed. There are many, many things that you could do to prevent it or slow it down significantly. You need to learn the rules, learn what you can do and should do to prevent foreclosure of your home.

Trying times like these mean increases in tension and anxiety. How will you adapt and cope? What do you do when you cannot afford expensive therapists, analysts and the traditional ways to lower stress?

One popular method to lower stress and anxiety is to learn to crochet. Keeping your hands busy doing something interesting and productive keeps your mind off of useless worrying. When you learn to crochet you can take your crochet work with you wherever you go. Work on it on airplane trips, waiting in the Doctor’s office, anywhere!

To reduce stress, exercise. To save money, diet! You could set yourself a goal of getting a flat stomach or 6 pack abs and drastically improve your appearance! It’s easy and very low cost if you know how to do it! Click the link in this paragraph to find out more…

Author – Timothy Reeves

lower stress, timothy reeves,

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