Weight management, diet, exercise and health supplements

August 26, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

Exactly what is weight management?

For many people, weight management, slimming, dieting, shaping up (whatever you like to call it) is a life long struggle and brings with it much stress and confusion and, all too often, anxiety, a sense of hopelessness and decrease in self-esteem. Yet, being in command over your weight is crucial to ensuring long-term good health and it is not actually as perplexing as you may imagine – so it is really worth hanging in there!

Overweight individuals are at increased risk of many medical problems, ranging from heart problems and hypertension, to type-2 diabetes, gallstones, respiratory problems and even cancer.

Recent trends

Weight has been one of the main health problems of the West for quite some time now. Obesity in the United Kingdom is rapidly approaching the chart-topping statistics of the usa and it is not just the men and women who are getting getting heavier – children’s weight is a growing dilemma. 

How to reduce body-weight in a healthy manner

Healthy weight loss is not at all about extreme diets or weight loss fads. Reasonable weight management is about much more than merely thinking about numbers, i.e. your weight and calorie counting. It’s about modifying the way you think about and look at food, starting with a healthy regimen which entails permanent changes in daily eating and suitable exercise practices. Simply, successful weight management is a mixture of:

  • nutrition management (to paraphrase, a balanced diet); and
  • a sensible exercise regime. It doesn’t mean having to do exercises seven days per week. It could possibly mean doing just 15 minutes of physical activity (like walking or jogging) every other day – whatever meets your needs, taking into consideration your own particular health issues and circumstances.

Why many people are unsuccessful

A frequent challenge amongst those attempting to affect a lifestyle change is the ability to implement such change for the long term. We have all been there – year after year, we make resolutions to eat more healthily, to consume less alcohol, to do more exercise etc. We start off well and with the best of intentions, but in the vast majority of cases we steadily go back back to our old patterns.

One of the main reasons for this is that the change was either carried out too soon and drastically and/or it was an unattainable aim for the long-term. In particular, many individuals try to permanently do away with all “treats” from their diet. But, it is very optimistic (to say the least!) to believe that you’re never going to have, for example, a candy bar or packet of crisps again. Actually, attempting to implement this approach usually ends in binging. Similarly, very few people are going to be able to sustain going to the gym seven days a week. Individuals therefore set themselves up to fail and lose morale as a consequence.

How to have great results

To keep up a consistent regimen and genuinely make a long-term lifestyle change, it is recommended to think of a wide range of activities that you really enjoy and can pick from to keep your routine interesting.

By the same token, one of many common misunderstandings about weight loss is that the foods you can eat are very limited. That is just not true. Whilst you will undoubtedly need to cap your consumption of particular foods (especially those high in saturated fats and sugar), you are not automatically banned from enjoying the treats you like every so often. A nutrition expert can help you to better understand what kinds of foods you should eat everyday for a wholesome, balanced diet, and which you should view as treats, to have on the rare occasion. Meal plans can quite often assist in the early stages, while you get accustomed to the new schedule and break old eating habits.

Variety and moderation are the keys to your success!

A little extra support – health supplements

If you find that you require a little additional help, you might want to take weight management support supplements as part of your programme.

Often, long-standing digestive system and other health problems from several years of unhealthy diet can make it more challenging to lose weight. A lot of slimmers consequently find that they benefit from taking, for instance:

  • colon cleansers
  • digestive system support supplements
  • cleanse and detox support supplements
  • and probiotics.

Then again, you may just want to top-up on additional vitamins and minerals to support your body through the weight management process. Nutrients-fortified meal replacements and protein powders, which are free from dairy, sugar and gluten, are a great way to stay full and access nutrients but still keep calories down.

Specialist Supplements Ltd is a supplier of high quality weight management support supplements, health foods, organic products and food form vitamins and minerals. Click on any of the links above to visit their webstore now!

Of course, before changing your diet, undertaking a new exercise programme or taking health supplements, always be sure to consult your doctor or qualified health practitioner (particularly if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or on medications).

balanced diet, health problems, management support supplements, weight loss, weight management support,

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