Video Inviter Listbuilding

December 20, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

If you have spent a lot of time around people that market on the internet, you would have heard them say at one time or another, “The Money is in The List”. What they are actually talking about is their mailing list.

This list is generally made up of different people that have asked to receive some sort of information from them, either in the form of an email newsletter or some other general publication.

For many internet marketers, the bulk of their income comes from marketing to the people on their mailing list. A person’s list can truly be their key to success.

Unfortunately, some people mistakenly believe that the bigger list they have, the more successful they will be. There are a lot of ways to “get” subscribers, such as contests, list swaps, and even through list purchasing.

It is possible to achieve a high number of subscribers through these methods… but that doesn’t always guarantee success. Instead of focusing on the number of people on the list, focus on the quality of the list and how interested the people are to receive the information.

A list of 1,000 very interested people will bring in much more money than a list of 10,000 uninterested people. The following are some tips to help you build a great list: An Easy To Follow sign up process If you have made signing up for your newsletter a complicated process, many people will simply click away from your site without bothering to try to work out how to opt in to your list. It’s quite important to make sure the sign up box is easy to see.

Some people place it at the bottom of their sites and if the visitor doesn’t scroll all the way down, then they will obviously miss it. There have been studies which suggest that placing your newsletter sign-up box on the top right portion of your website will give you the best results, although you might want to try some split testing and place it on various parts of your pages to test for the best results.

Promote your list to your target market Knowing your target market is another big key in creating a great list. The more targeted the people on your list are, the more likely they are to purchase your products or services.

Your target market consists of the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. For example, if you are selling an e-book on say how to lose 10lbs in 14 days, you don’t want to be advertising to build your list on a pet food site.

Offer Something For Free A great way to build your list is to offer something for free such as video inviter in exchange for someone joining your mailing list, say an e-book or maybe some software.

A good example of this can be found at, try to make sure that it is of good value though and not some old plr or similar product that thousands of people are touting around.

Remember it may take a little time for you to develop your list, but it will be worth it, because once you have it, it will be sure to be one of your best and most lucrative business assets.

mailing list, target market,

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