Understanding Suzanne Somers Sexy Forever

April 27, 2012 robot Fitness

As you get older and have had children, it becomes harder and harder to maintain your physique. Women who have settled down to have a family end up gaining weight, because they are so busy putting their family’s needs above their own. With this in mind, Suzanne Somers, author of several bestselling weight loss books, wrote “Sexy Forever: How to Fight Fat After Forty,” which was dedicated to people who wanted to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight. While it was written primarily for women, the same tips are applicable to men as well. After all, it seems to be too easy to let ourselves go when we reach a certain stage in life. 

What It Is All About
The Suzanne Somers Sexy Forever book talks about the changes your body undergoes when you reach forty. Because of all the hormonal and metabolic changes that are occurring at this stage of life, all the stress and fatigue can easily lead to weight gain. To help people with this, she consulted with experts and created a 3-phase diet for weight loss. Aside from the weight loss program, the book also touches on the toxic sludge that she believes has been accumulating in our bodies, keeping anyone from becoming truly healthy. She believes that Americans no longer eat real food, but instead stuff themselves silly with zero-nutrients high-calorie bombs like microwaved cheese macaroni, pepperoni pizza, and apple juice, among others. By following her method that involves natural therapies and products, people will be able to nurse themselves back to health while simultaneously losing all their stubborn fat. 

Suzanne Somers Sexy Forever Reviews
Many people are thankful for Suzanne Somers and her bestselling books, because it has motivated them to start eating nutritious food again. One reader says that even if the book is targeted to people who are over forty, a healthy diet full of real food is applicable to all age groups. Many users also appreciate how Somers does not limit her recommendations to products and services that she sells, but also talks about the alternatives as well. One reader says that she does not like how Somers downplays the role of good genes when it comes to health, but thinks that the healthy lifestyle the author writes about is sound and sensible. Other Suzanne Somers Sexy Forever reviews also feel that maybe there has been too much emphasis on procedures that have not been medically proven yet. However, those who have found that the Somers diet has worked for them believe that she is just a pioneer in a whole new way of thinking.

If you want to get healthy and start losing weight, the suzanne somers sexy forever reviews may be a great way to motivate you to start healthy habits. Many Americans credit Somers as the catalyst for a personal lifestyle change that has extended to their spouses and children. Keep yourself sexy forever by buying the book, and embarking on the journey towards a healthy lifestyle today.

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