Timber Fences Maintenance Tips During Winter

January 27, 2015 sarah Uncategorized

Between the extremely cold temperatures, wind, and rain, winter can be a great challenge to timber fences. Spending time out in the freezing environment is perhaps the last thing people would want to do during wintertime, but a bit extra maintenance could help prolong the life of your wood fence and also lessen potential problems you will encounter when spring comes.

What the Cold Months Does to Timber Fences

While sunlight and heat are generally the toughest enemies when talking about damage to timber fences, the constant shifting of moisture levels and temperatures of the winter could also cause serious damage. Here is an idea on how the freezing weather negatively affects timber fences:

Rain & Snow:

The fibers of wood fences will become weak when exposed to rain and snow for extended periods of time. It also leads to the development of molds, rot, and mildew. A waterproof stain is the best defense against these natural elements. Also, it’s important to keep organic matters like leaves and twigs, from getting stuck between the boards, as they hinder good air circulation and creates a trap for moisture to build up. Also, such things deteriorate and will cause damage to the timber fence.

Changing Temperatures:

Changes in temperature cause the timber to contract and expand, which could lead to knots falling out, leaving your wood fence with knotholes. If this problem is ignored, knotholes could invite pests and rot.

Shifting Soil:

Too much rain could cause water to soak into the soil and make shifts, landslides, and sinkholes that could negatively impact the supporting posts of wood fences. Throughout the cold season, it is best to keep an eye on your wood fence to ensure that it stays upright, strong, and free of rot.


Overhanging branches of trees could break when the weight of snow and ice becomes unbearable. As limbs fall, the fence can suffer damages. Check trees near your timber fence, and prune off any limbs that pose a threat.

Wood Fences Maintenance Tips for Winter Season

Using a quality sealant or stain before the cold months arrive is your first line of defense against winter damage. But there are some important steps you must take throughout the winter season:

* Check your wood fence after a significant storm. Check it for any damages and make sure the fence posts are still straight. To check this, run a piece of string along the posts’ tops. Look for rises or dips in the string, then inspect the posts to know if they require repair. Making the needed structural repairs now will keep the damage from getting worse throughout the cold months.

* Make sure the footings of the fence are free from dirt, dust, and other unwanted materials. This may seem meaningless but doing it reduces the chances that the cement will develop cracks caused by trapped moisture and changes in temperature.

If you’d like to get good quality, affordable, and durable fencing materials for your winter damaged fence, visit seranotimber.com.au by clicking on the provided link.

cold months, timber fences, wood fences,

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