Sugaring and Waxing Compared

January 8, 2015 sarah Uncategorized

Waxing and Sugaring are closely related hair removal processes. Both methods have been used to successfully remove unwanted hair for centuries by both women and men. Sugaring has a history of use going back thousands of years in the Middle East.


Sugaring involves making a paste or gum from sugar, water, and lemon juice which is then applied to the hair to be removed. A major advantage of sugaring for those planning to do everything themselves is that the ingredients and equipment are cheap, environmentally friendly and universally available. The sugaring process does not use wax but it is often referred to as sugar wax because of the similarity to the regular wax mthod of hair removal.

Sugar wax sticks strongly to hair however it does not stick to the skin as strongly as normal wax. In a sise by side comparison of the two methods it has been reported that sugaring is significantly less painful than waxing. People with sensitive skin tend to favor this method as it’s more gentle on the skin than waxing.

One advantage of sugaring is that is is cleaned up very easy as the sugar dissolves in water. Any leftovers can be stored for next time or eaten if you have a sweet tooth! It is simply a type of sugar candy.


Waxing involves heating a wax compound which is then applied to the hair to be removed. The wax is usually purchased from a retail store and costs about twenty to thirty dollars. You may also be able to purchase it from a store or online as a complete kit with accessories.

The actual process of applying the wax and then removing the hair is identical to sugaring. The warm wax tends to stick to to skin as well as hair so the removal process is more painful and temporarily leaves red marks and bumps.

Because wax is not water soluble it is harder to clean off some surfaces.

Both Methods

The actual hair removal process is similar with both methods leading to similar results. When the hair regrows there is less of it and it is softer and silkier. There is none of the cuts, nicks, coarse stubble or ingrown hair caused by shaving.

Waxing and sugaring are simple processes that anyone can perform in the privacy of their home but there are beauty salons that also provide these services.

hair removal, removal process, sugar wax,

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