Skin Tag Removal Through Surgery – The Top Four Phases

January 3, 2013 robot Health

You can expect there to be four stages if you are going about skin tag removal via surgery. We will be examining the said four stages in turn. We will try to find out what each stage entails. Generally, any is considered to be a minor surgery, thus, something to be performed in a medical facility by a professional. But you do not need to have a dermatologist, a physician’s assistant or any other medical personnel to perform this procedure. They can even be performed by a layman from home. No need for an operating theater. The first stage would be known as the diagnostic stage. This is the stage where the skin formation is examined closely, to figure out whether it is indeed a skin tag or not. This is to avoid any mistakes where a simple skin growth is erroneously dubbed as a skin tag. Thus the person who is thinking of removing the skin tag surgically has to be sure that it is actually a skin tag, before embarking on the surgery. There are cases when the diagnosis does not happen before the skin tag is removed surgically. It is more often that the diagnosis has been done a long time before the attempt to remove the skin tag. Skin tag removal and the actual process or method to be used in accomplishing it will be easier decided on in this stage.

The next stage in this whole process is the pre-operativestage. Preparations have to be made by the clinician since it has already been ascertained that they are dealing with a legitimate skin tag that has to be removed. There will be pain involved in the succeeding surgery, and if the clinician thinks that the patient should be saved from feeling much of the pain, he has to apply the necessary anesthetics. The patient may also need to be administered with certain medications if he or she needs something to calm down or settle frazzled nerves. Another procedure conducted in this stage is disinfection. The area to be operated upon is cleaned and disinfected. He will also see to it that the surgical tools he will make use of during the procedure will be sterilized and cleaned.

What follows will be the operative stage, where the actual operation will take place. It is here where the skin tags will actually be separated from the skin. It is done using surgical instruments, and unless there are complications, it is usually done quite fast (often in less than ten minutes).

Eventually, the skin tag removal will have its post-operative stage. The post-operative care will go on according to how the actual surgical procedure was carried out. You will find sewing to be necessary if the cuts on the skin are considerably large. If, on the other hand, the cuts are small or tiny, maybe it would be better to leave them be and wait for them to heal naturally.

diagnosis, Health, removal cream, skin tags, Surgical removal,

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