Shaving is a real pain

December 31, 2012 sarah Uncategorized

Shaving is something that men have had to do for a long time. It’s just something we have to do.It’s just one of life’s little daily jobs. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to shave.

When you wet shave you are supposed to move the blade in the direction of the hair – not against it. You have to go with the grain, so to speak. Now that’s all well and good, but for many men it’s difficult to get a really close shave without going against the grain.

So what about using an electric shaver? Is that any different? Well, using products such as Braun electric shaver you can get a very good, clean shave. And since it uses a special moisturizing system your face will feel pretty good afterwards, too. But even with an electric shaver you still have to follow a few simple rules.

Using something like the Braun electric razors you need to make sure your face is clean before shaving. Sounds obvious, right? Wrong! Many men shave with a dirty face, figuring that the shave will clean them. Clean your face first, before shaving.

Next, when you first switch to an electric shaver, be patient and allow time for your face to get used to it. You won’t get the best shave the first few times, that’s for sure. Over a few days your face and beard will adapt to the new shaving process. For some men it mght take a few weeks, so don’t give up too soon.

And don’t push hard against your face like you’re mowing the lawn – that won’t give you a closer shave and it will irritate your skin. Let the blade glide over your face, almost floating. You’ll find you get a suprisingly good shave that way.

The built in moisturising system on the HS 8060 keeps your skin supple while you’re shaving and that’s important for a close shave too.

If you’ve had enough of wet shaving, why not consider one of the new breed of electric shavers? You might find you get just as good a shave with one of the modern top of range shavers. And your skin will thank you for it too!

braun electric, close shave, electric shaver,

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