Paraguay Climate, Temperatures & Average Weather Averages

September 8, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

Asuncion, Paraguay

In Asuncion, Paraguay the mean temperature annually is 24.33C (75.8F). 14.00C (57.20F) is the lowest monthly mean min temp (that comes about in July) while 35.00C (95.00F) is the warmest monthly mean high temperature to be found in January. The range of mean temperatures over the year is 12.00C. Precipitation in Paraguay is on average 1392.00mm (54.80in) per annum. That means that average monthly rainfall is 116.00mm (4.57in). January is the wettest month effected by an average of 167mm (6.57in) of rain falling over a period of 8 days while in August only 30mm (1.18in) of rain falls over 4 days. Paraguay’s weather is effected by 77 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Paraguay averages 64.25% annually. 54% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity to be found in December and 75% is the peak mean monthly relative humidity transpiring in June. Paraguay’s weather is effected by 2803 hours of sunshine per year equivalent to an average of 7.68 daily hours. Hours of sunlight range between 5.5 per day in June to 9.5 per day in December. There is further info about the Paraguay sunshine October on the fantatastic resource. Free Paraguay climate charts display a full review of the sunlight hours in Paraguay.

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

In Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea the mean temp is 27.00C (80.6F). The mean temperature range is 2.00C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Papua New Guinea comes to an average total of 1150.00mm (45.28in) per year. This is equivalent to average monthly precipitation of 95.83mm (3.77in). February is the dampest month effected by an average of 194mm (7.64in) of water precipitating on an average of 7 days while in July only 12mm (0.47in) of rain falls over 2 days. Papua New Guinea’s climate receives 51 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Papua New Guinea averages 76.91666667% annually. 73% is the most low average monthly relative humidity to be found in September, November and 86% is the highest mean monthly relative humidity to be found in May. Papua New Guinea’s climate is subject to 2489 sunlight hours per year or 6.82 hours per day. Sunshine hours range from 5.3 per day in February to 8.3 per day in November. Explore moreinformation about climate weather in Papua New Guinea May on the quality website. Just click on the link to see it now. Free Papua New Guinea climate charts show a comprehensive synopsis of the climate in Papua New Guinea.

Panama City, Panama

In Panama City, Panama the average annual temperature is 27.00C (80.6F). 22.00C (71.60F) is the lowest monthly mean low temp (that comes about in January & February) while 32.00C (89.60F) is the hottest monthly average high temperature that takes place in February, March, April. The range of mean temperatures over the year is 2.00C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Panama is on average 1904.00mm (74.96in) per annum. This is equivalent to average monthly precipitation of 158.67mm (6.25in). October is the rainiest month effected by an average of 305mm (12.01in) of rain, hail, sleet or snow falling across 21 days while in March only 10mm (0.39in) of rain falls over 2 days. Panama’s climate is effected by 164 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Panama is unavailable. Panama’s weather enjoys 2239 hours of sunlight per year which is an average of 6.13 daily hours. Hours of sunlight range between 4.4 per day in June to 9.0 per day in January. Discover morestatistics regarding Panama climate October on the helpful website. Free Panama climate charts depict further information on the windspeeds in Panama.

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