My first experience with an Train Horn

February 9, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

Even though it was some years back, I can remember the day like it was yesterday. As I made my way down the street in a car that I knew and believe was the fastest and baddest car around. I was reading a pretty hilarious text message that had just been sent to me via cell phone. Since I was looking at the phone, and laughing at whatever I was reading, I failed to realized that the stop light had already turned green. When I did not snap back into reality on my own, instead there was a huge truck next to me and the driver realized that I was not paying attention as well. The driver decided to give me a helping hand and help me pay attention to the road and the green light in front of my car. Most people would yell something out the window, or honk their OEM horn, but instead this guy decided that he would blast the custom Train Horns that he had mounted on his truck.

Sure you have probably heard a Air Horn when you are on or near railroad tracks from a Train that is no where near where you are, but never have you unexpectingly heard such a loud sound from a pick up truck. Fortunately I do not have any heart problems nor did I at the time of this experience, but if I did I may not be here today to relate this story to you. If you are focused on something in the palm of your hand and nothing else in the world around you, having such a loud unexpected sound can really catch you off guard. I will be honest, it took me some time to get my composure together and realized what had just happened to me. Once I gathered my composure I looked around to see if anyone was watching, and fortunately I saw no one. After that I was angry and highly offended, and there was nothing that I could do about it because the truck driver was long gone.

You may be thinking to yourself why am I telling you this story Let me start off by reminding you that it is extremely important to pay attention to the road and things and people around while driving or even sitting at a red light. The reason is that you never know what type of obstacles could be in front of you while you are not paying attention to the road. The list of things that could catch you by suprise are people, animals, sharp objects that could puncture your car tires, or Train Horns on antoher drivers car. Although this is an accessory that almost all cars do not have on them, there are occasions like the one mentioned above that can catch you off guard. As crazy as it may sound this was definitely a life changing experience for me, and the truck driver thought it was hilarious. If you think this story was funny then maybe it might be a good idea for you to invest in your own Train Horn.

pay attention, paying attention, train horns, truck driver,

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