Make Solar Panels

May 2, 2015 sarah Uncategorized

The following are a list of pros and cons to help you if you want to build your own solar panels.


• When you’ve finished you will have great satisfaction knowing you’ve helped the environment and saved money in the long term.
• The cost of all the project could become large if you want to plug in your panels to the grid
• You won’t be able build a complete PV system using just the material in course. At least you will need official approval for your system and you may need to hire contractors to help you finish. This will cost and these costs are not clear. That said the course does promise to help you build solar panels and that it does. Connecting them is another matter though.
• A full PV system could still be as expensive as depending on your experience you may cause accidental breakages. You can hire a contractor to help you out or even outsource part of your project.

The cost of solar panels is also coming down year on year and there are incentives available to give you a long term return on your investment, Don’t forget that solar diy project will help the environment too!


pv system, solar panels, the cost,

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