How can exercise help to lose weight?

April 18, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

Exactly why is exercising necessary?

Habitual physical activity is essential for everybody, not just those people who are carrying excess weight. Our bodies were designed to be in motion, not to be sedentary all day long. They crave physical movement and require this so as to function properly.

As obesity rates in both adults and children continuously rise, a lifestyle which includes regular physical exercise is essential for individuals of all ages. The key message is to avoid a sedentary lifestyle; even a bit of exercise is better than nothing at all. Quite simply, being active is the key to good health and fitness and it helps to protect yourself from numerous health issues.

How does exercise promote general health and well-being?

Though training clearly helps to enhance the appearance of the body (for example through weight management and firming – see below), it also has rewards which are more than aesthetic.

Weight training is commonly viewed as being only for “muscle-bound gym junkies”. But, physical exercise really has a variety of internal benefits, which can be a factor in the longevity and quality of life. In particular, it is important for the prevention, management and treatment of many chronic diseases, such as osteoporosis, coronary disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Indeed, in both America and Europe, there are a number of programmes, which call for physical activity and exercise to be standard parts of both disease prevention and medical treatment.

Exercise is important too for muscle mass and bone integrity and has a major role to play in sustaining a robust immune system by, for instance, stimulating the lymphatic system. It’s widely considered that the lymphatic system is the body’s first line of defense against disease. Working out also elevates blood flow, helping to take new fuel and vitality to every cell.

How exactly does physical activity help with slimming down?

A common mistake that many people slimmers make when they want try to shed unwanted weight is that they only contemplate their diet and neglect the part of exercising. Our weight is dependant on the balance between the volume of calories taken in everyday, as contrasted with the amount of calories burned. The chief manner in which physical activity can help with weight loss is through the utilisation of of additional calories. Both cardio exercise and weight bearing exercise can accomplish this.

Staying on a diet alone is not really enough to make sure you attain your goal weight in a healthy manner. Indeed, a 2006 scientific study (Weiss et al) undertaken by Saint Louis University reviewed the effects of exercising versus diet only in losing fat. Even though both teams of participants lost weight, only those who exercised kept their strength and muscle mass and improved their aerobic capacity. The people that dieted only, lost muscular mass, strength and aerobic capacity.

Research continuously shows that regular exercise, along with a well-balanced eating plan, is probably the most efficient and healthy way to manage your weight. In particular, training can impact on our metabolism; when we exercise and eat healthily, our metabolism tends to accelerate and use unneeded fat and calories which it wouldn’t otherwise do during periods of inactivity.


If you are new to physical exercise, it is recommended to take things slowly and, if necessary, consult your doctor or other qualified health practitioner before putting into effect extreme changes to your diet or commencing a new exercise regime. For a lot of people, a good weight loss and exercise plan can supply support and guidance during the early periods and a dietician, nutritionist and personal trainer can all assist with this.

Likewise, there are a number of health supplements which can support both weight management and athletic performance. One example is, dieters often find that protein shakes and meal replacement powders are useful, because not only can they offer a low calorie source of vitamins and minerals, but the high protein content is important for retaining and improving muscle mass and bone mass, for tissue and cell repair, for keeping the immune system strong and for protecting against low energy.

A variety of clinical trials have indicated that a high-protein eating regime combined with working out can support the weight loss process, increase fat loss, improve muscle tone and improve blood fat levels. As protein can assist in the repair and growth of muscle, this tends to mean that far more calories are utilised each day. Higher-protein diets could also possibly help slimmers to get better control over their appetites and calorie consumption, help them to regulate their blood glucose levels and minimise cravings. Whenever your heart beats faster and you breathe more rapidly, it helps to lower your blood sugar levels (which explains why exercise is all the more crucial if you have diabetes).

Likewise, ensuring appropriate vitamin and mineral intake is an essential part of any weight loss programme, to ensure that you are reducing your weight sensibly. For example, antioxidants (such as vitamin C) are needed in preventing damage by free radicals, which can be released during detoxification processes.

Speak to an expert today about your health supplement needs by contacting Specialist Supplements Ltd on +44 (0) 845 094 3627!

* Before changing your diet, taking health supplements or undertaking a new exercise regime, always be sure to consult your doctor or qualified health practitioner (particularly if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or on medications).

immune system, muscle mass, physical activity, physical exercise, weight loss,

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