Grooming For Personal Hygiene and Social Impact

June 6, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

Grooming is classically defined as the act of taking care of one’s physical appearance in order to maintain a socially acceptable persona. Grooming can be of several different types, most overweight people only associate grooming with maintaining their looks by taking care of their complexion, skin, hair, attire etc. But in today’s evolving culture grooming can have several different levels including development of Intellect, personality development and even career achievements. This evolution of modern-day grooming practices has also created some profitable business organizations in the form of finishing schools and personality development ventures. In order to appear more socially acceptable and cultured everyone needs to groom themselves according to their social differences and circle.

A present day complete grooming routine will be incomplete without intellectual or social grooming along with physical grooming itself. Historically grooming has only been associated with women as they learn more involved in the act of physical grooming for example dressing up for proper occasion, putting on makeup, trimming and maintaining their body hair, etc. With the evolution of modern culture may also now very involved with the act of grooming and hence, there has been a steady increase in the number of men visiting salons in order to maintain or manage their body hair.

Unlike earlier times when growing a beard was a sign of masculinity, in the present day there are far fewer men with well-grown beards. This increase in grooming within the male population is indicated by the fact that more and more men as well as women prefer the clean shaven look. The change in social attitudes towards grooming has also created a huge business opportunities for innovative salons that cater to the specific grooming needs of both men and women. Though this practice may seem fairly new, but studies conducted by anthropologists have proved that this is not a new concept and back in the fifth century BC Greek actually considered hairless athletic man as beautiful and well groomed.

Michelangelo’s classical portrayal of this fact is evident in one of his greatest works “the David”. Though the depiction of Greek grooming in that particular era may seem a little controversial but it is a fact. Along with the physical grooming itself most people nowadays also implies several educational as well as additional techniques towards intellectual grooming. This is supported by the fact that there has been a huge increase in the number of finishing schools in Europe in the last 50 years. They steady increase has clearly shown the fact that whether it be men or women everyone is now more conscious about their personal grooming.

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body hair, personality development, physical grooming itself, steady increase, taking care,

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