Get to know your Heart – How does the Cardiovascular System work

October 25, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

I get this question quite often. How does the heart work? What I would like to do today is quickly summarize how this wonderful system works and how you can leverage this knowledge to drastically improve your fitness and endurance.

I think it’s important to have a general understanding of how systems in the body work in order to put together more effective workouts and training programs.

We first start at the respiratory system.

After we take a breath, the air moves through the long tube called the trachea and deep into the bronchial tree as it’s known. As soon as the air enters your lungs, oxygen and nutrients permeate into the bloodstream via gas exchange. This entire process happens because of a process known as diffusion.

It’s time for the cardiovascular system to step in.

So lets examine the question – how the cardiovascular system works? The oxygenated blood leaves the lungs and enters the heart. The heart acts like a pump and pumps out the blood through the body via arteries. This is how working tissues receive the much-needed blood and oxygen.

After the blood delivers the oxygen, it gets pumped back to the other side of the heart via tubes called veins so the process can be restarted.

Understanding this process can really help you structure your workouts better. The objective, therefore, is to make your heart stronger. You want to make it more effective at delivering the necessary oxygen and nutrients to working tissues.

You can strengthen your heart by doing things like tabata training or sprint training. Look for ways in which you can make your heart work and your overall fitness will go through the roof.

If you want to further understand how the cardiovascular system works, check out a few youtube videos.

Thank you for reading!

cardiovascular system works, working tissues,

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