Get Killer Abs with these Core Strengthening Exercises for Women

January 6, 2015 sarah Fitness

I find that training the core is an often misunderstood concept.

I see people at the gym spending a great deal of time performing endless and unhealthy crunches. I think it’s obvious that gym go-ers, and particularly women, have been told that core strengthening exercises for women are all about training your abs.

Unfortunately, that’s far from reality.

The abdominals are only one aspect of your core. If all you’re doing is training your abs, you begin to create imbalances throughout your core because your stomach is strong and tight, but your back is weak. 

What you want to focus on is strengthening the entire core. And it’s easier than you think.

Here are two core strengthening exercises for women:

1 – Renegade Row

The renegade row is by far the most effective core strengthening exercise. Grab two dumbbells and get into push up position with the dumbbells grasped. To perform the exercise, keep your body rigid and pull one dumbbell towards your body at a time. Alternate hand to hand.

2 – The Plank

This powerful core strengthening exercise has been around for a long time, but that’s because it works. When done correctly, it allows you to train your entire core all at once. Here you are using gravity as the resistance. Balance yourself on your forearms and toes, keeping your body rigid and straight.

These two best core strengthening exercises for women  should be done twice a week maximum.  

I beg you to stop performing constant crunches because not only are they ineffective, but they also cause damage to your spine and back. Move to a more effective routine and improve the true strength of your core.

body rigid, core strengthening exercises, entire core,

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