Find the ideal Oregon vacation and rest for some solitude

January 10, 2015 sarah Uncategorized

Planning the ideal vacation escape is challenging. However, in today’s frantic paced environment you are competing with all of the obligations and time pressures you face in your daily life. Sometimes it is relaxing to obtain a fresh perspective on destination opportunities that you may not have thought about before. An Oregon vacation provides you a chance to discover something which you may not be able to find in your own home.

If you are seeking adventure or relaxation on your vacation getaway, you will love it much more if you take a little time to plan part of your excursion in advance. For the adventure seeking vacationer, check out the weather forecasts of the region that you will be venturing into so that you can pack the appropriate clothing and protection to make your trip comfortable and fun. There can be considerable changes in temperature between days and night.

One of the ultimate state destination is Oregon, where you will find too much to see and do. Here are a sampling of the Oregon travel you may desire to see:

Idea #1: Oregon Vortex (House of Mystery)- Gold Hill, Oregon. The Oregon Vortex is a spherical field of force, half above the ground and half below ground. From our galaxy, whose vortex form we see as the countless suns of the Milky Way, throughout the gravitational vortex of our solar system, down to the vortex of an atom, the vortex form recurs throughout our world structure.

Idea #2: Start Your Tour of the John Day Fossil Beds at the Thomas Condon Paleontology Center . The Thomas Condon Paleontology Center features a Museum with a variety of exhibits, special interpretive programs, and audiovisual presentations on fossils, geology, and paleontology research. As you tour the Paleontology Center Museum, you’ll learn about the geology and fossils at the John Day Fossil Beds, plus the evolution traced in the more than 40,000 item fossil collection amassed at the Center.

Of course there are many other destinations that you may desire to experience on an Oregon vacation. You may only be here for a short length of time, but you can enjoy and experience much of the rich culture, heritage, and adventure that the state has to offer. You certainly will never be bored – check out this Oregon tourism video – there is always something new to see and do.

Even in the current economic climate, Oregon is an affordable vacation getaway. It is possible to take advantage of the many discount packages with the special deals that are available that allow you to get away from it all without breaking the bank. So enjoy a escape from the hectic pace that daily life brings and enjoy a vacation getaway and discover a little of what this great state has to offer!

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