Extra Income from Online Teaching in the Humanities

December 7, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

A cheap laptop computer, a broadband internet connection and a Master degree, or at least 18 graduate hours, in the humanities will allow anyone possessing these items to earn what could be a considerable amount of extra online income by teaching for one of the new digital college campuses. It has never been easier for a person with a Master degree in English, history, foreign language such as French or Spanish or art to pick up an extra thousand dollars or more each month by adding a couple of online classes to a teaching schedule.

The reason for this is that online or distance education is an economic winner for the various educational institutions and an academic winner for the students, and there is no reason it can not be both for the college teacher.

The number of humanities classes offered to undergraduate and graduate college students is growing at an exponential rate. For example, it is fair to say that there is hardly a college or university left that does not offer online Composition classes to their students. In due time, almost every technical and trade school will follow suit. The wide availability of Internet access, combined with the ever decreasing cost of a personal computer, makes online instruction a rich source of cost savings for any educational institution, and it certainly provides the enterprising college instructor with ample opportunities to earn extra income from online teaching. The economic difference between a traditional brick and mortar classroom, which needs to be heated in the winter and cooled in the summer, and a digital classroom, which only needs electricity, and that electricity need not be supplied by the schools themselves, and a desktop or laptop computer, again not necessarily supplied by the schools, means huge financial savings for the institutions.

Online Faculty Position Requires Graduate Education

Naturally, every one of these humanities classes available to college students on the Internet needs to be taught by a qualified instructor, which means an instructor with at least 18 graduate hours in the particular academic discipline or a Master degree in the discipline. In the best of all possible worlds, the instructors hold a Master degree in a specific academic area of study from an accredited school.

The reason it is vitally important for the instructor who holds an online faculty position to have these academic qualifications is that the colleges and universities are required by their accreditation boards to have a faculty with these credentials. Without the requisite faculty credentials, the schools cannot become or remain accredited, and if they do not have accreditation, they cannot accept federal financial aid for their students. Bay and large, federal financial aid for education is the largest sum of money available to pay for a higher education

Therefore, a happy economic marriage, so to speak, between qualified instructors seeking to earn extra income from online teaching by landing one or more of these online adjunct positions can be achieved with an understanding of the needs of the other parties. While an adjunct online instructor does not earn as much as a full time faculty member, an adjunct instructor has the freedom to teach at a number of different educational institutions at the same time. Quite often, this freedom to teach for numerous schools can translate into a considerable sum of extra cash for the adjunct college instructor that specializes in online education

Online Adjunct Faculty Positions

The vast majority of online teaching positions are adjunct positions. An adjunct is not a permanent member of a school faculty, but as more and more schools hire adjuncts as a cost saving measure, it is possible to teach for years at an individual school as an adjunct. The pay for an individual online class runs from one thousand to three thousand dollars per course. There is no set fee for teaching an online course, and the individual schools can pay what they deem appropriate for teaching their classes online.

A well organized online adjunct instructor can easily teach four to six online classes form almost any location in the world. Four to six online classes could earn an adjunct instructor as much as three thousand dollars a month, and as the instructor grows more organized in the delivery of the online classroom information, the dollar amount per hour worked grows considerably over time.

All in all, a person who has at least 18 graduate hours in the humanities, or actually holds a Master degree in one of the humanities, can earn extra income from online teaching each month, and that income can be quite a tidy sum. The main point is that colleges and universities offering online instruction need teachers who can deliver instruction on the Internet and with a little effort at time management and a laptop or desktop computer hooked to the Internet, it is entirely possible through online adjunct faculty positions to bring in a monthly sum that can easily rival the salary of a full time position.


18 graduate hours, extra income, least 18 graduate, master degree, online teaching,

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