Dj Equipment-What You Need to Know

November 29, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

If you are planning to become a be a DJ, a disk jockey, one the most difficult things you will come across is to buy your own music equipment.

A DJ can mix and match components of different qualities and price ranges to make the entire outfit suit a budget.

One of the most expensive pieces of equipment that you will need to buy is a mixer.

Sound mixers vary from make to make and from model to model and their price depends on their features and their quality. You can buy a DJ mixer for a couple hundered dollars to a few thousand dollars.

The good news is that manufacturers of quality mixers and audio equipment in general, like Numark, Gemini, Aiwa, Akai produce good quality economic DJ mixers.

After the mixer you will need to buy a turntable as well. There are different kinds of turntables available. If you are in to vinyl then you should get a traditional DJ turntable, or if you are into CD’s and MP3’s there is a wide selection of turntables for the new technologies that resemble the traditional ones. In general, turntables are more expensive than plain players, but there are good ones available for under $400.

Players are much cheaper than turntables but have less features. DJs who like to scratch and spin records prefer the turntables because players only provide sound output like any other CD or DVD player.

A new DJ should not overspend on equipment. One particular item you can save money for is the speakers.

In general the price of any speaker depends on the price of its output.

There are small woofer speakers that a DH can buy for less than $100. if you are new to the field you might consider buying a DJ pack, a DJ in a box package and save money. These packages contain everything you will need. Using cheap DJ equipment is only recommended for new DJs. If you start getting gigs and start making money then you should consider buying more advanced equipment.

consider buying, in general, save money,

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