Backyard dog kennnels are convenient and attractive

February 25, 2015 sarah Uncategorized

At we specialize in
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and tons of other dog supplies. We’re as passionate about dogs and dog training as you are.

AKC dog kennels are one of our most popular brands of kennels. They are easy to set up, very durable, and the most attractive dog kennel you can buy. Outdoor dog kennels are one of the easiest ways to confine your dogs when you can’t supervise them. This prevents accidents in the house as well as disruptive, destructive and chewing behavior. Modular dog kennels come in many sizes to suit every breed from chihuahuas to great danes. Dogs enjoy the outdoors during the day when you are at work and come inside with you when you are home.

Dog kennels come in three types: Black powder coated kennels are the most durable and the most attractive. Glavanized dog kennel runs are slightly less expensive, but offer almost equal durability. Most people find them a little less attractive than the powder coated variety, but still very good looking. Chain link kennels are the most common and the oldest type, having been around for many, many years. They are less expensive, but still offer value for your money. All of these types of dog kennels come in modular panels that make set-up a breeze.

It is important to give your pup a shelter if he will be confined to his run during inclement weather. A dog house at one end will give him cover and warmth. Or, build the run attached to a garage and put a wall-entry dog door through to the inside where you can consstruct a small, sleep-sized run for shelter.

Given proper training and supervison in the early months, most dogs outgrow the need for confinement by about 1-1/2 years old. However, an outdoor dog kennel run is still a great investment, as it gives your dog his own space, saves the yard from being “run down” and turned to mud, and keeps his elimination area away from the bar-b-que pit.

dog kennels, less expensive, outdoor dog, powder coated,

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