Baby Bean Bag Blog: Outdoor Bean Bags for Kids

February 20, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

Bean bags have entered my life and I do not think they are leaving anywhere soon. Hello, sorry that was a bit of a brash introduction. My name is Paul and I am an interior designer. This blog post is all about bean bags and how they have come in useful for many of my clients properties. Due to their versatility, shape and range of colours they can be used anywhere. Please read on and find out how I have best used them in the garden, kids room and for babies and mothers. 

Children and bean bags are a match made in heaven. Finally there is furniture that kids can jump on, throw, play on and NOT get shouted for it. At a fraction of the price of a sofa bean bags are just the thing for children who love to clamber around on the sofa. Kids bean bags are hard wearing, soft, comfortable, easily cleaned and are available in a wide range of colours and prints. Take the Kids Baz Bag for example. Its available in 8 colours, is big enough to be sprawled out on and can be used both indoors and outdoors. The best thing for parents too is the fact that it is easily washable and can be wiped down clean with a cloth and hot water. The Baz Bags are huge and available exclusively from Bean Bag Bazaar at less than half price, under 50 pounds. In my opinion bean bags add the type of vividness and liveliness to a room similar to that of a child to a family. Fitting furniture to say the least.

You would never think of using a bean bag outdoors over here in the UK, I know I would not, until now. I recently found some tremendous outdoor bean bags that not only look great outside in the garden and on the patio, but they are actually hardwearing and can take a bit of rain. These bean bags for the garden are one of my favourite products and I have used them in both big and small gardens. They are huge, 180cm by 140cm and can be laid on in a mat style fashion or even propped up to sit on as if it were a chair. It is by far the most comfortable and stylish way to get a tan this summer in 2012. If the rain continues then do not worry, you can just move the bean bag in to the house where it will look just as good. I have it in a red and yellow colour, it makes for a wonderful contrast in the garden on a hot summer day, lets just hope the sun decides to rear its head a bit more often here in the North East.

Babies bean bags are the last bean bag discovery of mine. These are great looking alternatives to regular seating for babies. The Bambeano bean bag is a particular favourite of mine, it looks good and it is clear that both safety and security are paramount. It features a secure safety harness and has a tight bean bag filling which moulds around the baby but still keeps the baby firmly positioned in a semi upright position. Bambeano baby bean bags are available in beige, blue and pink with cute white polka dots. For less than 50 pounds they are well worth it.

So there it is, my run down of my favourite bean bags and their uses in and around the house. I have paid particular attention to the little ones because I know how much they love these bags full of beans. The variety of colours available means that these bean bags are versatile and will look great in any room, or even outdoors. They are definitely worth looking in to and if you have kids they will add years on to the shelf life of your sofas as the kids will definitely choose to play on the bean bags.

50 pounds, bean bags,

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