Waiting At The OB/GYN Clinic

February 24, 2013 robot Family

I was in my OB/GYN’s sitting area. Because my doctor was one of the country’s best, there were a lot of people waiting. To kill the time, I grabbed one of the magazines stacked on the side table. There was an article there mentioning that the Spanish Royal Family sometimes go to their summer residence in Majorca. The magazine even have photographs of the royal family. The article also mentioned that the royal family apparently likes sailing. That got me thinking about beachfront holidays to Majorca. I might be able to get a close glimpse of the family if I go there for the summer, too.

I was startled when somebody called my name. The nurse had called out my name. She said I have to undergo an initial check-up. I hesitated, because I didn’t want to leave the magazine I was reading. I didn’t have a choice, I had to. I approached the nurse’s table, hesitantly. She calculated my height and weight. She also had to check my blood pressure. She related to me that my weight increased a little. I wanted to know the result of my blood pressure. She assured me that I have nothing to worry because I have a normal blood pressure.

I sat down then I remembered the magazine. It was disappointing to see, that the magazine I was reading earlier wasn’t there anymore. I intended to check out the full article. Now I can’t finish it. In the end, I just sat there and listened to the conversations around me. The secretary called me again. My OB/GYN is now ready to see me. She asked me how I was. After telling her I’m okay, she asked me the reason why I was there. I reminded her that its for my yearly check-up and pap smear test.

Papanicolaou test commonly known as pap smear is a screening test. It identifies cancerous cells in the cervix area of the female reproductive system. A Greek doctor Georgios Papanikolaou developed this test and it was named afer him. My doctor used a speculum to open my epithelial canal. She said I should relax. Tensing will make the insertion of the speculum unpleasant, my doctor warned. I took deep breathing to relax myself even though my body reflexively tensed. She collected cells from the entrance of the cervix. It was then dispatched to the laboratory.

My doctor suggested me to call after a few days so that I will know the result of the pap smear. She said I don’t have to get the results of the test at the laboratory since the messengers of the lab will be the one to separate them. Then they will give the findings to the different doctors of the patients. When I called the secretary, she explained to me that I have a normal cervix. I’m so glad. She said to call us for more information if I have any question.

cheap holidays, holidays to Majorca, Majorca,

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