Understanding fear to overcome anxiety

August 15, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

If you are uncomfortable in social events you most likely are affected by social fear as well as social anxiety. Many people will endure some form of anxiety during their lives. If you are anything like I used to be you suffer the pain of it close to daily no matter who you’re with.

There are various degrees of social anxiety, some individuals might be okay when they are walking outside however put that exact same individual in the middle of a club and immediately they are an nervous wreck. When performing my own analysis on overcoming social anxiety the main aspect that helped me to find out the truth about my anxiety is that it’s not something you’re born with so this means it’s not genetic which means that it’s some thing which can be overcome.

Anxiety typically strikes people if they contemplate they may do something embarrassing while in front of others. They presume that others are judging them in a negative manner because of something they said or did or are about to say or do. Experiencing life this way is not only an unpleasant way to live life, what’s more, it could hold you back in areas of your life you would typically surpass in. It can lead to loneliness, isolation as well as the feeling that no person will ever understand you.

The first phase in overcoming social anxiety is admitting to yourself that something is wrong as opposed to moving it to the back of your mind. When I had got to this phase I searched everywhere on the net to discover the best way overcoming social anxiety. That’s when I found some info that really changed my life and this is what I would like to share that with you today.

Anxiety is actually caused once the body’s fight or flight response is activated, this effect is due to you suffering with fear on the base level. For instance, When I used to walk into a get together and not see anyone I knew I used to think oh my god just what I am going to do – Which approximately translates to I fear being around people I do not know.

Learn the reality regarding fear and what effect it has on anxiety, let me reveal the reality behind anxiety. See the full article that will let overcome anxiety.

The contents of this article is taken from my experience of anxiety and how I was able to overcome anxiety by understanding the cause. I am not a medical expert so must advise that you consult a doctor before acting on any medical advice given.

overcome anxiety, overcoming social anxiety,

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