Towns to take into consideration going to in August
One of the best times of the year for traveling is Ausust. Here are a few ideas of places you possibly will not consider with details about the average weather.
Sydney, Nova Scotia weather in August.
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
At Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada the average temperature for the year is 2.17C (35.9F). -22.00C (-7.60F) is the coolest monthly average low temperature (which occurs in January) while 26.00C (78.80F) is the hottest monthly mean max temp which occurs in the month of July. There is an annual range of mean temperatures of 35.50C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Regina, Saskatchewan is on average 394.00mm (15.51in) per annum. That means that average monthly rainfall is 32.83mm (1.29in). June is the most rainy month when an average of 83mm (3.27in) of precipitation occurring during 13 days while in February & December only 17mm (0.67in) of rain falls. Regina, Saskatchewan’s weather has 112 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Regina, Saskatchewan averages 65.33333333% annually. 44% is the minimum average monthly relative humidity ensueing in May and 89% is the peak mean monthly relative humidity to be found in January. Regina, Saskatchewan’s weather receives 2256 hours of sunshine annually which is an average of 6.18 hours per day. There is a range of hours of sunlight from 2.7 per day in December to 10.8 per day in July.
Bangui, Central African Republic
At Bangui, Central African Republic the yearly average temperature is 25.96C (78.725F). 19.00C (66.20F) is the lowest monthly mean min temp (which occurs in December) while 34.00C (93.20F) is the warmest monthly mean max temp measured in the month of February. We can say that the annual average temperature range is 2.50C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Bangui comes to an average total of 1560.00mm (61.42in) per annum. This is equivalent to average monthly precipitation of 130.00mm (5.12in). August is the most damp month subject to an average of 225mm (8.86in) of precipitation occurring during 17 days while in January only 21mm (0.83in) of rain falls over 2 days. Bangui’s climate is subject to 129 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Bangui averages 61% over the year. 47% is the minimum mean monthly relative humidity transpiring in December and 72% is the maximum mean monthly relative humidity ensueing in August. Bangui’s climate is subject to 2098 hours of sunlight per year equivalent to an average of 5.75 daily hours. The range of hours of sunlight is from an average of 4.5 per day in July & August to 7.1 per day in February.
Interlaken weather in August.
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