Top Ingredients for Natural Nail Fungus Treatment

January 8, 2015 sarah Uncategorized

Nail fungus infection is often defined as the unsightly and foul-smelling infection that develops under the toenails.  When left untreated, it can impair a person’s walking since it has the potential to be extremely painful. In medical terms,  it is known as onychomycosis.  It usually starts out as a  white or yellow discolored spot at the tip of the toenail.  When the fungus spreads and worsens, it causes the nails to  thicken and to chip at the edges.

It is therefore important to be able to treat it immediately with the right toe nail fungus treatment once it is detected.  As mentioned, when left untreated for too long, the symptoms can continue indefinitely and the infection can easily spread to other nails and the pain can make the simple act of walking difficult.

The best breeding ground for nail fungi are the warm, dark and moist areas inside your shoes.  If you have already noticed the early onset of the infection,  here are natural toe nail fungus cure.

Jojoba Oil- This oil is very much resembles the human sebum or the oil we naturally secrete from our skin glands.  Jojoba oil, just like sebum, is useful to prevent moisture loss from our skin.

Almond Oil- When applied  topically, almond oil can  moisturize dry skin.  It is also known to relieve itching which is caused by dryness. It is absorbed quickly and non-greasy. The good thing about almond oil compared to other moisturizers is that it does not irritate the skin and does not cause any allergic reactions.

Tea Tree Oil- The tea tree oil contains terpenoids, which help promote healthy nails. Not all solutions have tea tree oil so it is best to read the label and perform a quick research on the product or nail fungus solution which you are about to try.

Vitamin E Oil- Vitamin E oil has always been well-known antioxidant. When applied topically, it is absorbed by the skin.

Lemongrass Oil- This oil is used in perfumery, and as soothing aromatherapy.

Undecylenic Acid- This ingredient has been known  to promote healthy, glowing skin.

Clove Oil- Clove is a natural analgesic thus is a natural toe nail fungus cure for the pain you may feel in any nail infection.

almond oil, jojoba oil, natural toe nail, tea tree oil, toe nail fungus,

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