Top 5 Restaurant Tips For Losing Weight

March 13, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

Let’s face it: restaurant food, as a rule, is not weight loss friendly. Here are five great tips to use when going out to eat so you can still eat good without feeling deprived.

1. No bread at the table. When your server comes to the table for the first time, ask him to remove the bread from the table (if there’s already some there). If the bread customarily gets brought later, ask the server not to bring it at all. Bread adds loads of calories that you could “spend” on your entree.

2. Immediate portion control. When your food arrives, immediately cut the portion in half and ask your server for a to-go box. Set the box aside, out of sight if possible (many restaurants can give you a bag that you can put your food in and set out of the way).

3. Pass on the soda. Did you know that a typical 16 oz serving of soda is 200 to 250 calories? Ouch! You could apply all of those calories to some great food. Order water instead. Or bring a bottle of zero-calorie flavored water if you can’t handle plain water.

4. Plan your order in advance. Look up the nutritional information of the restaurant’s dishes before you go out to eat. Pick something that’s good but reasonably healthy. Think about ordering that item. Focus on it. When the menus get passed around, hand it back to the server and order what you’ve already planned.

5. Fresh fruit for desert. If you’re at a restaurant that offers it, choose fresh fruit for your desert. It’s sweet and good, but is very healthy.

The author of this article runs a personalized tote bags web site, which also offers products and information about music tote bags and french tote bags.

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