Tips for Buying Glue Guns and Adhesives

July 16, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

Glue guns can be bought in low temperature and high temperature hot-melt versions. Low temperature glue guns heat up to about 120º C and are more applicable where a high temperature is undesirable. High-temperature glue guns} heat up to around 195°C and result in a stronger bond. Also available are dual glue guns which include a switch so that both low and high temperatures can be utilised for different applications.

For industrial applications, there are a wide range of heavy duty industrial glue guns available which are designed and constructed to optimise production efficiency. These range from high output pneumatic industrial glue guns to variable temperature units.

Glue sticks are buyable in various sizes for different types and sizes of glue guns. The most common size has a diameter of 11mm. Glue sticks are also available in various lengths, from about 10cm upwards. However, the majority of glue guns will accommodate glue sticks of any length. Hot melt and low temperature glue sticks are available for the different types of glue gun. Hot melt adhesives do not contain any solvents or water. They bond when they drop in temperature and this means that they can set quickly.

For industrial needs, different types of glue sticks are available for specialist uses. The most common diameters are 12 and 43mm. For home use, there are only a few types of glue sticks that are available. Glue sticks have different open times, which is the duration needed to form a bond. This varies from a couple of seconds to a few minutes.

Glue guns need to be switched on several minutes before they are used so that the heating element and glue stick can warm up. As the glue stick gets hot it melts and then it can be used to bond different materials together. Care should be taken when operating hot glue guns as hot glue can be hazardous.

for industrial, glue sticks, hot glue, industrial glue guns, temperature glue,

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