The Real Secret of the Human Immune System

July 21, 2012 sarah Uncategorized

The human body is amazing and even more amazing is its Immune System. It is a highly complex structure of cells, tissues, proteins and various body organs which functions by make up the lines of defense in a complex system against diseases and infections. The most effective way to explain how the immune system works, is to describe it as the body’s commander of the defending army.

The complex processes and structure of the human immune system are really in simple terms the body’s defense mechanism against infection and disease.

The human immune system is a highly efficient system that will detect, target and attack any infection or disease causing particles or agents that enter the body. It identifies these target “invaders” and sets about to destroy them.

There are different processes of the human immune system that work together to protect our body from illness and disease. But sometimes our own immune system target and attacks its own healthy cells which causes the development of what is called “auto-immune disease”. This is the term that is used for the disease that results when the immune system has turned against itself – essentially the immune system begins attacking itself.

Auto-immune diseases are very complex diseases which have been shown to be the result of various internal and external factors including genetic history, previous illnesses and diseases, stresses, and other life experience issues that manifest themselves into disease.

So how do we protect the human body against these internal and external factors? There are many ways to keep the human immune system strong and to strengthen it when it is stressed so that it can effectively ward off and fight illness and disease.

The real secrets lie in having a good healthy diet, at least 8 hours sleep every night, regular exercise and good quality vitamin supplements. These all help the body’s lines of defense to ensure that it is strong and healthy to defend itself, when confronted with these internal and external factors that frequently attack our body’s. When one or more of these essential factors is lacking, then the body’s defenses are low and subject to attack.

To find out more about a proper diet, regular sleep, exercise and vitamin supplements when needed I recommend you go to to find out. This site is an informative journal of immune system related articles and tips that you simple can’t do without. So check it out today, it’s FREE and informative for your better health.

Learn how to find the best defense techniques for your immune system from the immune system-vitamins website. Visit it today.

external factors, human body, human immune system, the human, vitamin supplements,

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