Technology-Aided Customer Relationship Management System

December 11, 2012 sarah Uncategorized


For instance, barbershops in the old days also function as dental clinics. Barber-dentist then were the main sources of updates about the community. Patrons regularly gather in barber shops back then for social purposes. Arguably, customer loyalty is maintained through this strategy.

The main roles of customer relationship management include customer retention and prospect conversions. Having excellent memory for a barber is an important competitive edge. Prioritizing customers is also a crucial issue that is usually based on first come first served basis.

Information is central to customer relationship. It may require professional analysis such as business analysts in Perth. It is about optimizing this information that is essential. It could be information stored only in the memory of the business person and staff. Information may also be in the form of written list and descriptions. It may also refer to the digital data stored in computers.

Digital and online technologies provide greater advantage to modern businesses when it comes to customer relationship management. Digital CRM systems are interactive and provide real-time results.

CRM systems increasingly become complicated as the business grows. This is regardless of the specific details of business operations. Larger operations mean larger and wider range of customers. It could be the same products and services but multiplied several thousands or even million times. Case in point is the operations of social networks with hundred million users. It would be impossible or impractically costly without automated or computerized system that is specifically designed for the business.

CRM systems can be customized based on the specific needs of business operation and customer demand. However, these systems can be generally classified into the following categories:

Sales force automation


Customer service and support

Appointment setting


Integrated and collaborative

Social media

You can know more about the topic discussed in the article by following the hyperlinks. You may also search for ict services in Perth and other details.


crm systems, customer relationship management,

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