Tea Tree Oil

November 20, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

Tea Tree oil has been used for thousands of years to treat numerous aliments. It originated on the coast of new South Wales, Australia. Tea tree oil is also known as melaleuca oil and is a clear color and sometimes it can be found in a light golden color. The tea tree oil that you purchase in a drugstore or nutrition store is almost always a clear color. The golden color teas tree oil is much more expensive and usually can be found in spas.

Tea tree oil benefits are wide ranging. Tea tree oil has medicinal properties and is commonly used in treating ailments that are a result of fungal infections, infections that require antiseptic attention such as fungal nail infections and sever cases of acne. Tea tree oil is also used for treating the common cold and other viral infections. Tea tree oil can also be used around the house to combat an invasion of ants, fleas or almost any other pest problem you may encounter. Tea tree oil can also be found in a combination of other products such as lotions, tropical ointments and shampoo and conditioners.

Tea tree oil can have very favorable results on several common skin disorders and conditions and is recommended for acne, toenail and fingernail fungal infections and even athlete’s foot.

Another great thing about melaleuca oil is the fact that you can also have a melaleuca business that has great products that are made with tea tree oil. So, tea tree oil benefits can even be realized in your bank account!

Please be advised that you should always consult a doctor before taking any medical advice.

clear color, fungal infections, golden color, tea tree oil, tree oil benefits,

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