Take A Look At The Five Healing Properties Of Laughter And Laugh Your Way Back To Great Health

October 13, 2012 robot Health

You’ll find nothing more powerful than laughter for combating feelings of negativity and depression. Laughter is by-far one of the better forms of medicine; to be able to laugh in the face of fear or difficulties not only helps you to relieve stress but can also alllow for a more fun life in general.

Do you remember the last time you laughed so hard that it hurt? How did you feel afterwards? Whether you believe in the healing powers of laughter or not, there isn’t any doubt that everything begins to look much better in the face of laughter.

The better we feel, the greater our lives become – this is what the Law Of Attraction teaches. So if you want to reap the rewards of a happy and healthy life, then lessons on relationship attraction and the power of a positive attitude could help you.

When fighting an illness, facing challenging times or looking to overcome adversities – attempt to laugh a little more. Throw your head back and let your cackle free! In the holds of laughter, you will always find the light at the end of the tunnel. Read about five of the many ways that laughter can heal the body, mind and soul;

1.Laughter Eliminates Stress.

Laughter is an amazing stress-buster! Much like exercise, when we enjoy a chuckle our body enjoys an increase of endorphins and feel-good chemicals that keep us stress-free and relaxed. So, regardless of whether you’re laughing alone or with friends make certain you laugh often – your problems will seem almost trivial in your moment of laughter and will keep symptoms of stress at bay

2.Laughter Kills Fear.

When we laugh in the face of what frightens us the most, we distance ourselves from our fear. Our fears loosen their grip on us.

It doesn’t matter what worries or fears you’re currently facing, try viewing them from a more comical point of view. Laughter will make you fearless in the face of your fears.

3.Laughter Can Comfort Us.

Laughter is as comforting as a hug from a friend; it can make you feel as though everything is going to be ok.

Hospitals recognise the comforting effect of laughter, and that’s why so many choose to employ clowns and entertainers for their hospital waiting rooms. Laughter is a fantastic way of making light of a dark situation, as when we laugh we are offering reassurance that things aren’t as bad as they seem.

4.Laughter Boosts The Immune System.

Medical research shows that laughter can do wonders for boosting the immune system. There couldn’t be a more enjoyable way of improving your health.

Humour has its part to play in combatting the common cold to more serious illnesses; so next time you are feeling poorly, be sure to make laughter a big part of your day. Stick on some comedy DVDs or spend more time with your most humorous friends.

The belief that laughter is good for the immune system and general health is supported by teachings on the Law Of Attraction; when we laugh we emit our most positive frequency, which the universe will want to match. Information on is the law of attraction real can be found online.

5.Laughter Is Contagious.

Arguably, the main benefit of laughter is that it helps to spread happiness! Laughter connects us with other people, allows us to share in a feel-good moment with the people around us and leaves us feeling uplifted and nurtured.

So, make sure to laugh off both the small and the big things in life.Laughter can heal your life and those around you. If you are seeking to discover more info on the Law Of Attraction or the power of positivity, then law of attraction books (http://www.thelawofattraction.co.uk/top-10-law-of-attraction-books/) can be found online.

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