web hosting

What Software is Run on a LAMP Server?

July 14, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

“LAMP Server” is a term used to identify a base web server. LAMP is an acronym used to describe the best possible combination of free open source software used for running websites. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP. The term, LAMP server, was first used by Michael Kunze back in the late 90s while […]


lamp server, open source, server technology, web hosting, web server,

Evaluate And Evaluation Website Internet Hosting Services On-Line

April 16, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

With thousands of internet hosting companies within the marketplace it can be difficult if not impossible to understand which internet site hosting businesses really provide a great hosting solution at a great cost. Whenever you have an established domain name with a good web hosting company, you can get stats reports of your visitors and […]


hosting company, hosting services, internet hosting, web hosting,

Host Then Profit – Beginners Manual

December 8, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

Many, many people each year get involved in a home-based business, as a result of having seen a presentation, gotten all excited over the concepts of making money from home and signed up. Now What? Most people, sadly, do nothing. Face it, for a person that has little or no business experience, it can be […]


web hosting,

The Differece Between Domain And Web Hosting

June 1, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

Do you know that there is a difference betweeen web hosting and domain names? A lot of people typically mix these two terms together because they think that they both mean the same thing when in fact they’re not. Domain is like Google.com, Yahoo.com, and Facebook.com. Every Web site you’ve ever been to, and every […]


web hosting, web site hosting,

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