sunlight hours

Hawaii Weather, Temperature & Climate Information

April 20, 2015 sarah Uncategorized

New York, Usa In New York, Usa the average temp is 12.21C (53.975F). -3.00C (26.60F) is the coldest monthly mean minimum temperature (that comes about in January) while 28.00C (82.40F) is the hottest monthly average max temp to be found in the month of July. The annual mean temperature range is therefore 23.50C. Rainfall/ snowfall […]


mean monthly relative, mean temperature range, monthly relative humidity, rain falls, sunlight hours,

Average temperatures are a ponderous influence to take into consideration

November 20, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

Average Temperatures in Russia Dublin, Ireland In Dublin, Ireland the average annual temperature is 9.58C (49.25F). 2.00C (35.60F) is the most cold monthly average min temp (that comes about in January & February) while 19.00C (66.20F) is the peak monthly average high temp that takes place in July & August. The mean temperature range is […]


average temperatures, mean monthly relative, monthly mean, monthly relative humidity, sunlight hours,

Russia Weather Summary

January 12, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

Dublin, Ireland In Dublin, Ireland the yearly average temperature is 9.58C (49.25F). 2.00C (35.60F) is the most cold monthly average minimum temperature (transpiring in January & February) while 19.00C (66.20F) is the hottest monthly average max temp recorded in the month of July & August. There is an annual range of mean temperatures of 10.50C. […]


average monthly relative, daily hours, monthly relative humidity, rain falls, sunlight hours,

Algiers Weather, Temperature & Climate Statistics

January 11, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

Kabul, Afghanistan At Kabul, Afghanistan the mean temp annually is 12.58C (54.65F). -7.00C (19.40F) is the coldest monthly average minimum temperature (that takes place in January) while 33.00C (91.40F) is the most hot monthly mean high temperature that presents itself in the month of July & August. The mean temperature range is 27.00C. Rainfall/ snowfall […]


mean monthly relative, monthly relative humidity, presents itself, rain falls, sunlight hours,

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