money goes

View Movies Online

January 24, 2015 sarah Uncategorized

Companies like Netflix, iTunes and are now leading the way in providing movies online. These services charge a fee for individuals to download either a movie, music or a TV episode. A portion of that money goes to the company that owns the film or show. But a portion of the money goes to […]


money goes, monthly fee, movie online, or perhaps, watching movies online,

Modern Technology Changes How We Rent and Watch Movies

May 14, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

I recall 5 or even 2 years ago it was fairly problematic to view motion pictures on the internet. This was the time when sites such as Napster were getting sued for allowing individuals to share their hard drives with the world on a peer to peer network. Thus, allowing people in other countries and […]


money goes, movie online, movies online,

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