highest monthly average
Novosibirsk & Oymyakon, Russia Temperature and Climate Measurements
Novosibirsk, Russia In Novosibirsk, Russia the average temperature is 0.08C (32.15F). -24.00C (-11.20F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in January) while 25.00C (77.00F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in July. Thus the average temperature range is 38.50C (101.30F). Wet weather in Novosibirsk adds up to a total average […]
Birmingham & Brighton, United Kingdom Temperature and Climate Recordings
Birmingham, United Kingdom In Birmingham, United Kingdom the average temperature is 9.58C (49.25F). 2.00C (35.60F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in January & February) while 20.00C (68.00F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in July & August. Thus the average temperature range is 12.50C (54.50F). Wet weather in Birmingham […]