cancer cells

Understanding Cancer Metastasis

March 27, 2015 sarah Uncategorized

A lung metastasis is a malignant growth in the lung that originated from cancer cells somewhere else in the body. It is a serious, life threatening condition that is rarely treated successfully. In some cases, the patient may live longer by surgically removing the growth. Very rare cases even led to cure of the disease. […]


cancer cells, cancer lung metastasis, cancer patients, prostate cancer, pulmonary metastases,

Details Relating to Ovarian Cancer Immediately after Hysterectomy

April 1, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

A hysterectomy would be the removal of your uterus. The purpose with the initial surgery would be to eliminate all visible ovarian cancer after hysterectomy. Surgery confirms the diagnosis and how far the cancer has spread. It’s also the initial treatment for the cancer. Having an experienced gynecologic oncologist will make it easier to get […]


abdominal organs, cancer cells, ovarian cancer, vaginal bleeding, vaginal dryness,

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