Seeing a Chiropractor for Headaches
When Should I be Concerned?
Pain, anywhere in the body is a signal that something is not right. Headaches can be triggered by environmental toxins like alcohol or allergies. Those might be considered normal if they are infrequent and closely related to one of those triggers. It is not normal to have headaches more than 1-2 times a month or severe, debilitating headaches. If you experience headaches more than twice a month or the pain is severe seek professional advice
Why do people get headaches?
Some common causes are: physical trauma, stress, allergies, and chemicals. Headaches can also be caused by muscle spasm or restrictions in your neck called tension headaches. Chiropractors treat spinal misalignments and vertebral restrictions that can affect the nerves, muscles and the blood supply to your head.
Doctors of Chiropractic are trained to detect spinal misalignments and restrictions in your neck. Before starting treatment, the doctor will closely analyze your spine. This examination will include some orthopedic tests to see which movements or tests cause discomfort. X-rays of your neck are frequently used to look at the spinal alignment and allow for a proper diagnosis.
What can a Chiropractor do to help headaches?
The care plan often depends on the diagnosis. Vascular headaches, like migraines occur when the arteries around your brain go into spasm. Many sufferers report pain on only on one side of the head. The more common, tension headaches are reported as pain all around your head. These occur when muscles go into spasm. Either type can be associated with spinal misalignments or tension on the nervous system.
Americans invest billions of dollars each year on over the counter medications and prescription medicine to cover up the pain. Of course they provide temporary relief but they don’t address the underlying cause of headaches. In addition they can cause adverse effects like stomach problems, kidney damage or liver damage. The more of these medications you take, the higher your risk of these adverse effects.
Many people get lasting relief from gentle chiropractic adjustments coupled with therapies or exercises.
How long will it take?
Some people see results right away, others see progress over the period of a few weeks. How long it takes depends on several factors including the:
lengthy of time you have suffered
conditions like diabetes
degenerating discs
trauma, like whiplash injuries.
Making changes in your body does take time. It takes time to retrain the ligaments and muscles.
Should I wait for my next headache to start care?
Because the doctor of chiropractic is looking for the cause of the problem, you can start your care now. Most of us understand how frustrating it is when you take your car to the mechanic and he can’t find anything wrong with it. We don’t have to worry about that. The doctor of chiropractic will conduct a careful case history, examination and. Why wait for your next headache to start getting better. The best time to start is now.
Are there any guarantees?
No one can guarantee a cure, but chiropractic care has provided headache relief to millions of sufferers.
Understand, if you need to see another type of provider or need specialized tests like and MRI, your doctor of chiropractic can refer you.
If you are trying to select a chiropractor be sure to look at the chiropractic reviews online.
If you are looking for a Louisville Chiropractor consider Lowe Chiropractic.
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