Russia Weather Summary
Dublin, Ireland
In Dublin, Ireland the yearly average temperature is 9.58C (49.25F). 2.00C (35.60F) is the most cold monthly average minimum temperature (transpiring in January & February) while 19.00C (66.20F) is the hottest monthly average max temp recorded in the month of July & August. There is an annual range of mean temperatures of 10.50C. Precipitation in Ireland accumulates to give us a mean total of 769.00mm (30.28in) per year. The average amount of rainfall per month is 64.08mm (2.52in). August is the most rainy month effected by an average of 80mm (3.15in) of precipitation occurring during 17 days while in April only 43mm (1.69in) of rain falls over 14 days. Ireland’s climate enjoys 191 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Ireland averages 83% annually. 76% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity to be found in June and 87% is the maximum average monthly relative humidity to be found in January, November, December. Ireland’s climate receives 1503 hours of sunshine annually equivalent to an average of 4.12 daily hours. There is a range of hours of sunlight from 1.7 per day in December to 6.7 per day in May. Get a more detailed review of the climate temperature in Ireland September at the world resource. Free Ireland climate charts show full details about the windspeeds in Ireland.
Nairobi, Kenya
In Nairobi, Kenya the average annual temperature is 17.67C (63.8F). 10.00C (50.00F) is the coldest monthly mean minimum temperature (that comes about in July, August, September) while 26.00C (78.80F) is the warmest monthly mean max temperature that takes place in February. The range of mean temperatures over the year is 3.50C. Precipitation in Kenya is on average 925.00mm (36.42in) per year. This is equivalent to average monthly precipitation of 77.08mm (3.03in). April is the most damp month subject to an average of 206mm (8.11in) of rain falling over a period of 15 days while in July only 19mm (0.75in) of rain falls over 3 days. Kenya’s climate receives 89 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Kenya averages 72.75% over the year. 64% is the minimum average monthly relative humidity that takes place in October and 79% is the peak mean monthly relative humidity ensueing in July. Kenya’s weather has 2525 hours of sunlight per year equivalent to an average of 6.92 daily hours. Hours of sunlight range from 4.3 per day in July to 9.5 per day in February. Get a more comprehensive summary of the Kenya average temp on this helpful resource. This link covers preety much everything you want to know. Free Kenya climate graphs expose further information on the sunlight hours in Kenya.
Moscow, Russia
In Moscow, Russia the mean annual temperature is 3.96C (39.125F). -14.00C (6.80F) is the coldest monthly average low temp (ensueing in January & February) while 24.00C (75.20F) is the hottest monthly mean max temp transpiring in July. The annual mean temperature range is 29.00C. Wet weather in Russia builds up to an average total of 575.00mm (22.64in) per year. Monthly precipitation averages are thus 47.92mm (1.89in). July & August is the rainiest month effected by an average of 74mm (2.91in) of rain falls while in February only 28mm (1.10in) of rain falls over 9 days. Russia’s climate is subject to 119 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Russia averages 76.66666667% over the year. 64% is the most low average monthly relative humidity that presents itself in May and 86% is the highest mean monthly relative humidity that comes about in December. Russia’s climate is effected by 1693 sunlight hours per year or 4.64 daily hours. Sunlight hours range from 0.7 per day in December to 9.0 per day in June. Review lots more information on the Russia average precipitation at the very useful resource. This link covers preety much everything you need to know. Free Russia climate graphs expose a comprehensive synopsis of the wet days in Russia.
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