Rotator Cuff Pain Causes And Remedies

April 26, 2012 robot Fitness

Rotator cuff is another term for the muscles found in the shoulder joint. These muscles help in the movement and stability of the shoulders. This is the reason why people who experience rotator cuff pain may be handicapped.

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint that allows the arms to move freely. The rotator cuff muscles attached to it are like elastic bands which provide support. If the rotator cuff is injured the patient will have problems moving the entire arm.

Rotator cuff injuries may be due to various causes. Athletes are often prone to this injury when they overwork or overstretch the muscles. Those whose jobs involve a lot of shoulder action are also prone to rotator cuff pain. Yet there are times when the tear in the muscles can be due to ageing and the degeneration of tissues.

When the rotator cuff is injured the muscles would usually swell and there is an accumulation of fluids in that area. It can be so painful that it would immobilize your entire arm.Rotator cuff pain relief is similar to that of other swells and pains. The first thing to do is to rest the injured shoulder. Applying hot and cold compress can also help ease the swelling and the pain. If you have low tolerance for pain you can try over the counter pain relievers.

For more severe cases it is best to seek medical attention. The doctor may opt to perform various procedures in order to hasten the healing and to relieve the pain. Steroid injections are one of the simplest clinical remedies for a rotator cuff injury. In some cases a surgery might be required if the tear in the tissue is too large.

Yet there are also a lot of ways to prevent this injury. Exercise helps strengthen the muscles and increase flexibility. Proper diet could also help build healthy muscle tissues. This means your muscles won’t easily tear. It is better to stick to these measures in order to prevent rotator cuff injuries than to go looking for a shoulder pain relief.

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Exercise, fitness, Health, Rotator cuff pain,

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