Popular 1920’s Hairstyles

July 15, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

The long-hair styles of the nineteenth century began to give way to shorter hairstyles like “the bob” during the early 1920’s, a trend which continued to grow in popularity. The original straight, plain, and relatively simple short bobbed hair styles of the early 1920’s were transformed into much more interesting and feminine bobs (with stylish curls and waves) in the middle to late twenties. Due to their increasing sophistication, bobbed hairstyles increased in popularity through the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. The beautiful short hairstyles of this trend setting era have enjoyed a revival in modern times as hair stylists look back to this period for inspiration.

The most popular hairstyles of the nineteen twenties included the bob, marcel wave, finger wave, and shingle, all of which came with numerous variations. Some hairstyles only had a short time in the limelight before they disappeared forever. As women of all ages sacrificed their long tresses on the altar of fashion, hairdressers and even barbers competed for this booming business.

As early adopters of the new shorter hair styles, 1920’s movie stars and other celebrities played a big part in popularizing the new hair fashions through appearances in movies and stage shows, the new hairstyles they sported being eagerly copied by their adoring fans. Even though it was very expensive when first introduced, permanent hair waving was an instant hit with women looking for permanence in their hairstyles.

In the 1920’s short hair for women was “in” and rapidly took over from the previously fashionable long hair styles. Although considered extremely radical in the early 1920’s, bobbed hair quickly became the “must have” hairstyle for young girls and young ladies aged in their twenties, the popularity extending to middle-aged women in their thirties and forties. Sophisticated cuts including shingling were used to create attractive bobs that featured waves and curls to soften and enhance the styling. These later stylish bobs continued to be popular well into the 1930’s defying hairdressing critics who had predicted the bob would be a short-term fad that would only last a year or two at most. In actual fact, the mass migration to bobbed hairstyles turned out to be part of a major revolution in womens hairstyling.

bobbed hairstyles, early 1920, Hair Styles,

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