Pest control in Sale, Timperley and Altrincham 2011
Pest and vermin control in the North West has seen a brisk this year which is unexpected given the somewhat cold winter of 2009/10.
Pest and Vermin controllers were kept working with the usual town centre rat problems throughout the winter of course, but the relatively cold early part of the year has already provided some ant problems coming in.
The damp summers of 2008 and 2009 were not to the benefit of the hymenoptera (wasps, bees and ants) but 2010 looks like it will be a active year for ant callouts.
Usually ants build their nests under the floors of buildings and inside cavity walls causing a large number of foraging ants to invade kitchens and food cupboards.
However it is at the mating time when they can be most troublesome as they produce winged queens and males which then fly off to mate.
The emergence of thousands of these flying ants inside homes can be horrific indeed.
A fairly new pest was very numerous in the Manchester, Lancashire and Cheshire area last year, the Varied Carpet Beetle (Anthrenus verbasci).
It was rare for pest controllers in Cheshire, Lancashire and Manchester to encounter these pests until recently but they seemed to arrive from nowhere in 2008 and already this spring has seen reports of varied carpet beetle in large numbers.
These beetles have a similar life cycle to moths their larvae, called woolly bears devour natural fibres and can do substantial damage to carpets and natural fabrics. They can be a difficult and persistent pest to remove.
Bed Bugs are carrying on their resurgence in the Lancashire, Manchester and Cheshire area, regularly arriving as unwanted guests in the suitcases of home-coming holiday makers.
Often the first reaction of unfortunate people who realise that they are infested with these hideous,blood-sucking pests is to burn the old beds and buy new.
This is a costly error as despite their name bed bugs not only live in beds and in an infested bedroom will be found everywhere within about five yards of the bed, in cupboards, drawers etc, even in electrical and telephone sockets and the new beds will be quickly re-infested.
Many people mistake bed bugs with dust mites which are not visible to the naked eye.
They dine just on blood which they drink from their sleeping hosts. People often associate bed bugs with dirty conditions but nothing could be less accurate, they do not require dirt, they eat you!
Until the end of April 2010 Harrier & Manchester Pest Control are offering a 25% reduction on their guaranteed ant treatment.
The revolutionary treatment which is guaranteed for three years, extendable indefinitely in further three year chunks by a low cost re-treatment every three years, can be carried out on most houses subject to satisfactory,free
For the summer of 2010 Manchester Pest Control are guaranteeing a fixed price for destroying wasps nests in the Manchester, Lancashire and Cheshire area of just thirty two pounds.
Contact Manchester Pest Control for further details on 0800 019 8382 or 0161 930 8814
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