On Page SEO Basics

August 26, 2012 sarah Uncategorized

Creating a web site in the expectation of getting lots of vistors to it and thus producing revenue is the wish of many a website owner. Let’s face it, it is your wish to some day be in the situation of operating from the comfort of your home supplying you with a freedom you may not have encountered previously.

 To get that web site to the top of the serps calls for both on page and off page optimisation to give at least a prospect of arriving there and here I will look at the on page seo needed to boost your odds.

 1. Title, Description and Keywords Tags

The title and description tags are critical. Less for the keyword tag but if you want to rank in all three of the major search engines, this really needs to be done as well.

The title tag tells the search engine what the gist of your website is all about. It is your silent salesman as it is the first thing a searcher sees when they put a serch request inot the box. The title tag has to be the keyword phrase you want to rank for.

I have researched this a lot and most of the successful marketers also suggest putting your url in the title tags as well. For example, if you want to rank for “new blue widgets” your title tag should be: < title >New Blue Widgets – newbluewidgets,com< /title >

Your description should be like a magnet to draw the vistor into your site. Make it compelling enough to force them to click your link. You can use up to 165 characters in your description tag so use them all.

Keywords tag should contain up to 10 words that epitomize your keyword phrase. This is not vital but as I said before, it can only help.

2. Alt tags 

Whenever you have a picture or graphic on your site always use the alt tag and put your keyword phrase in it. This also applies to any links on your page linking to your inner pages. Use the < title > tag to put a variation of that keyword phrase in here.

3. H1+ H2 Tag

Put your keyword phrase inside H1 tags then as a sub headline in H2 tags use your keyword phrase again in a sentence about the content that is on the page. For example in your H! tags put < h1 >New Blue Widgets< /h1 > and underneath in H2 tags write something like: < h2 >We review the latest widgets including the new blue model< /h2 > 

Adhering to these three steps will not guarantee a high ranking but it will go a lot further than not doing them. My next article will conclude this series of on page SEO including two of the most important aspects.

Craig McPherson has been writing articles for over 4 years. You can see some of his work at best eyelash curler. He also writes product reviews such aswww.costoflazerhairremovel.com

His latest articles are about jobs in my area

>new blue, < title, h2 tags, keyword phrase, web site,

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