Liver Pain: Its Causes and Treatment

October 3, 2012 sarah Uncategorized

The liver will be the largest gland and detoxifier of the human body. It is situated below the ribs and the diaphragm separating your chest as well as the abdomen in your right side. Liver has many functions in your body. They include processing food materials, converting glucose to glucogen, producing amino acids, storing minerals and vitamins; they also produce urea, remove harmful subtances from the blood and maintain level of blood glucose. As a detoxifier, it filters the wastes from the body. When the liver doesn’t function normally we could get liver pain. You can usually get liver pain in conditions like Hepatitis A, B and C, Wilson’s disease, Gilbert’s syndrome.

Causes of Liver Pain

There are numerous reasons for liver pain. A good excess fats makes the liver swollen and cause pain. It is established that medical ailments that cause liver pain include type2 diabetes, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. Enlarged spleen can also be one reason for liver pain. *Excessive drinkers of alcohol and patients in the very last stage of liver cancer undergo extreme liver pain. There are numerous other conditions that lead to the pain like biliary obstruction, cholangitis, congestive cardiac failure, drugs, gallstones, hepatic vein thrombosis, hepatitis, hepatic abscess, Hodgkin’s disease, Hepatocellular carcinoma, liver abscess, leukemia, lymphoma, tender liver, tuberculosis and toxins etc.

Liver Pain Cure


For those who have severe liver pain for quite some time it is best to see your medical professional and get treated immediately. He might examine all the liver disease symptoms and diagnose the reason. The therapy given for everybody varies based on the symptoms and the body conditions. The therapy usually aims at eliminating every one of the symptoms. For example, if a patient is struggling with liver pain due to consuming alcohol each and every time, then he is going to be advised to quit drinking prior to starting the medications and being advised to review every liver transplant criterias.



Liver pain may be relieved by administering different kinds of treatments like enough hydration and electrolyte repletion, providing good sanitation, clean drinking water and proper personal hygiene. Some are admitted in hospital for treatment in cases where taking oral medications aren’t possible. A number of the medications used consist of Flagyl, antiviral agents, Interferon alpha II b, 3TC, Entecavir and Adefovir.



There are several alternative cures too. That may include using some safe, simple and easy techniques. The most crucial liquid for the human body is water. Water can help wash out every one of the toxins and waste materials. So, taking at least 8 glasses of water each day is highly recommended. Meals are another very important element. You must include vegetables, fruits and juices in your daily diet. Important items to look at are legumes, brown rice, broccoli, asparagus and plums. Dietary supplements will also be very beneficial. Vitamin B1 can help to eliminate the blood glucose levels within the body. Liver diseases are sometimes brought on by not enough Vitamin A. Vitamins A and K are necessary supplements. Linseed oil is very helpful for improving the proper functioning of the liver. Herbal detoxification is also a good way to reduce toxins. However, it is usually best to go ahead and take doctor’s opinion and listen to his advice to get rid of your liver pain.


blood glucose, human body, liver pain, the therapy,

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