Kenya Climate, Temperature & Weather Information
Beijing, China
In Beijing, China the average temperature is 11.83C (53.3F). -10.00C (14.00F) is the lowest monthly mean low temperature (ensueing in January) while 31.00C (87.80F) is the most hot monthly mean high temp transpiring in the month of June, July. There is an annual range of mean temperatures of 30.50C. Wet weather in China comes to an average total of 619.00mm (24.37in) per annum. Thus mean monthly precipitation is 51.58mm (2.03in). July is the most rainy month when an average of 243mm (9.57in) of rain falling over a period of 13 days while in December only 3mm (0.12in) of rain falls over 2 days. China’s weather enjoys 66 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at China averages 56.5% annually. 46% is the lowest mean monthly relative humidity that takes place in April and 74% is the highest average monthly relative humidity transpiring in August. China’s climate is subject to 2707 hours of sunshine per year equivalent to an average of 7.42 daily hours. Hours of sunlight range from 6.2 per day in December to 8.7 per day in June. You can see more info about the China rainfall June on this brilliant website. Just visit the link to find out more. Free China climate graphs display a comprehensive synopsis of the wet days in China.
Nairobi, Kenya
In Nairobi, Kenya the average annual temperature is 17.67C (63.8F). 10.00C (50.00F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (ensueing in July, August, September) while 26.00C (78.80F) is the warmest monthly average high temperature to be found in February. We can say that the annual average temperature range is 3.50C. Precipitation in Kenya builds up to an average total of 925.00mm (36.42in) per annum. Monthly precipitation averages are thus 77.08mm (3.03in). April is the rainiest month subject to an average of 206mm (8.11in) of precipitation occurring during 15 days while in July only 19mm (0.75in) of rain falls over 3 days. Kenya’s weather receives 89 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Kenya averages 72.75% annually. 64% is the minimum mean monthly relative humidity transpiring in October and 79% is the peak average monthly relative humidity to be found in July. Kenya’s climate is effected by 2525 hours of sunlight per year which is an average of 6.92 daily hours. There is a range of hours of sunshine from 4.3 per day in July to 9.5 per day in February. Get a more comprehensive guide to the Kenya average rainfall April courtesy of the online website. This link covers basically everything you need to know. Free Kenya climate graphs depict a comprehensive synopsis of the rainfall in Kenya.
Napari, Tabuaeran, Kiribati
In Napari, Tabuaeran, Kiribati the average temp for the year is 28.00C (82.4F). 24.00C (75.20F) is the coldest monthly average minimum temp (transpiring in January, February, December) while 32.00C (89.60F) is the warmest monthly average max temperature to be found in August, September, October, November. The annual mean temperature range is 0.00C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Kiribati totals on average 2501.00mm (98.46in) per year. That means that average monthly rainfall is 208.42mm (8.21in). April is the wettest month effected by an average of 358mm (14.09in) of rain falling over a period of 20 days while in November only 74mm (2.91in) of rain falls over 8 days. Kiribati’s climate receives 160 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. You can read more info about the Kiribati climate temp January thanks to this helpful resource. Click the link now to see it all. Free Kiribati climate charts show full details about the rainfall in Kiribati.
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