Is It Feasible That Coffee Can Taste Terrific, Whilst Benefitting Our Health And Wellbeing Too?
A lot of us have hoped that our day-to-day caffeine kick not only wakes us up, but increases our health too. But this sounds too good to be true… since when is something enjoyable essentially beneficial to us? Well, reserach has proven that coffee not only makes it’s consumers perform better, but it boosts their health also. This is a especially great piece of news for individuals who works shifts or unsociable hours. The studies that were concluded also indicated that coffee drinkers are also less inclined to have injuries, accidents or shift-related errors.
It’s caffeine (see premium lavazza coffee) found to have these advantageous effects is found in coffee, not tea. This means, unfortunately tea drinkers will not gain the same effective results. Caffeine found in others forms, be it in food, stimulant drinks or tablets were not studied so it’s not known whether these provide the same benefits as coffee.
One of the studies completed concluded that coffee has a positive effect on inflammation and cholesterol levels. Further tests also revealed that a high level of coffee consumption can help to lower the possibility of developing diabetes.
Moderate coffee drinkers should also take comfort in knowing that drinking coffee does not lead to a higher risk of heart irregularities. It doesn’t enhance the chance of heart irregularities, yet it does prevent them either. However, drinking a more substantial level of coffee could increase your chances of heart irregularities (otherwise known as Arrhythmia).
Drinking 200-300 milligrams a day is an adequate amount, this equates to two to four cups per day. If however, you are especially sensitive to the effects of caffeine; your intake should be lower. Unfortunately, if you prefer a cup of tea, to a cup of coffee – there are no similar health and performance benefits (unless you’re drinking Chinese herbal teas). For those of who want to drink coffee, but are not keen on the taste, adding flavored syrups can help immensely (see syrups for coffee).
Other research has recently led us to believe that coffee may also help us to live longer. If you drink from four to five cups a day, coffee can help to reduce the risk of death. This means, if you find you can’t get through the day without your coffee caffeine kick, just remember that each cup you drink could help to increase your lifespan. Whether you choose to drink your coffee in the form of a latte, cappuccino, double-shot espresso or iced mocha – each of these are beneficial to your health.
The study consisted of over 400,000 adults for over 14 years and concluded that coffee drinkers were far less likely to die during the study compared to those not participating in the study. This applied to both men and women, both of which experienced a lower risk of death if they consumed four to five cups of coffee per day.
If you would like to discover the benefits that coffee can bring, or locate the wide array of delicious coffee available online, see contact A1 Coffee supplies.
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