How to Stretch your Back with a Simple Exercise

February 17, 2013 sarah Health


The objective of this article is as follows: to teach you how to stretch your back muscles so you can relieve the tension built up in the spine.

Without a doubt, the back is a special part of you. Although this may be true, we rarely treat it with care like we should. 

Our spine is under compression whenever we stand, sit or move in any way. Because of this force known as gravity, the spine is loaded with forces day after day.

But we’ve adapted. Our spine is capable of taking those forces.

Unfortunately, problems arise when these compressive forces mix with poor biomechanical patterns and crappy posture. When you put your spine in flexion (which is common of sitting) and add compressive forces to it, you create an environment that is very damaging to your interverbral discs.

The forementioned discs are very soft but quite durable. Their purpose is to eliminate any friction between your vertebrea. So you want them to be healthy and tension free. When you do, you will eliminate any back pain you’re dealing with.

I know of an amazing little exercise that can help you do that. I was lucky to stumble upon it when I was searching for ways to relieve the built up stress in my spine. It shows you  how to stretch your back properly.

Find yourself a pullup bar. Get up there and grab the bar with a wide, overhand grip. Now what you’ll want to do is hang there and try to touch your chin against your chest. Grip the bar as tight as you can to deepen the stretch and take relaxing breaths. The idea is to hold this position for as long as you can.

Using this exercise will help lengthen and decompress the spine effectively. The idea is to learn it and use it. Learn  how to stretch your back and eliminate back pain for good.


compressive forces, the idea,

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