How To Make Money With Article Directories

September 27, 2012 sarah Uncategorized

Article directories are websites that contain a lot of articles. Most of these articles are usually put there by the one that owns the copyright to them, and usually as a promotion method.

The way to make money with an article directory is to supply each article with your byline placed under it, so that everyone reading the article will a) know who wrote it, and b) will be able to visit your website to gather more information. By repeatedly using this method, people who are interested in your product or service will notice your articles, view you as knowledgeable about the topic, and may even end up visiting your website.

Even if you can not write anything about on the topic which you are promoting, you can always hire a writer to do the work for you. Getting top quality articles written is usually very expensive, however they will eventually pay for themselves, through affiliate sales (if you are promoting as an affiliate), or selling your own services.

Here’s a real life example. Let’s pretend that you are an accountant working from home, and you decide to write an article on a topic you feel familiar with; accounting. You then post it to various article directories. Those who are searching for information on the topic you wrote about will find, and read your article. They will notice that you indeed have the knowledge and skill they are looking for in order to some work for them, and ends up visiting your website to contact you.

The article you wrote just landed you a new client! This client may even decide to use your services regularly, and end up giving you a nice recurring profit. Now remember, since you have posted it on not one, but serveral free article directories, many others who have affiliate websites about accounting will find and use your article on their own website. The great thing about this, is that since they must attach your byline to it, they will help bringing you even more exposure – and sales!

There are several article directories out there for you to post your articles on. Your best course of action is to put a copy of each of your articles on as many as you can find for maximum exposure. This will eventually help to bring more traffic and customers to your website, which will lead to even more new orders and more profit!

By Anders Eriksson
CEO and Owner Datorsam

article directories,

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