How to Lose Healthy Weight

July 17, 2012 sarah Health

There are many ideas available on how to lose body fat. We’ve experimented with fad diets, exercise equipment and hypnotherapy to make it happen. But, there are more healthy methods to lose weight.

Here are some facts which you may not be conscious of. It takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose a single pound of fat. This may seem like a whole lot but when you are eating a diet loaded with take out, fatty foods and bad fats, simply modifying one meal can result in a deficit that will help you slim down.

Furthermore, different meals have different compositions. Fats, protein and sugars all have a different calorie value related to them. By consuming more fat, for instance, you consume more unhealthy calories.

We all have fat on our bodies. Fat cushions our bones and internal organs, but it could also endanger our overall health in large amounts. An excessive amount of belly fat can result in a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and other health issues.

Unhealthy weight loss doesn’t assist you at all. The body works to protect itself from what it perceives as starvation by keeping excess fat it currently has stored.

Eating diets with high protein levels and fat can cause muscle loss rather than weight loss. You may be increasing your fat percentage with the decrease in lean muscle mass.

You can find one thing that most dieticians can agree with: It requires time to lose weight. The length of time is determined by the way you go about it.

So, how much weight will you lose in a month? The reply is it depends. Most fitness organizations will tell you you can lose two pounds per week in a healthy manner. Not surprisingly, this depends on how much fat you need to lose. When you’ve got a lot of fat to lose, you could drop more.

Listed below are some ways to reduce fat in a healthy way that you may not have considered.

Avoid as much processed food as you can. It isn’t good for the body. Animal protein sources contain higher levels of fat than plant sources. Plants also contain fiber which can be difficult to digest. As it moves through your system, it will take some fat with it. Fiber gives a sense of fullness that lowers cravings and blood cholesterol.

While meals are a big part of the equation, exercise boosts the amount of calories you burn. When the body is filled up with nutritious foods, the body will use stored fat to burn for energy, thus lowering your overall body fat.

All submissions are provided for info purposes only. It’s not designed to treat or manage illness. Make sure to seek advice from your physician before engaging in any dietary or fitness changes or programs.

body fat, lose weight, weight loss,

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