Getting An Event Video Right For Your Target Audience

July 30, 2012 sarah Uncategorized


When individuals be interested in or exhibit at a meeting, they are doing so because they feel it’ll be a rewarding trip for them. Whether it is on a personal or business level, the tone associated with a related video needs to hit the spot, regarding meeting the viewer’s requirements.

There is no doubt that we all are most often in a very big hurry these days. We do seem to have a bit more time with regards to luxury items or products/services that will enhance our very own spiritual and physical wellness. However, with business media and events this does not seem to be the situation. We’ve far less time to dedicate to our business lives and this is why any event video on a b2b level must grab the attention of the viewer quickly.

The very first thing you need to do is break it down into numerous workable segments. Be aware that it requires the ‘wow’ aspect in the very first 10 seconds this also could force you into adding a visible effect early on. One of the many favourite introductions to event videos seems to be sped up. Normally, this is extracted from a previous event and generally is a 5 second shot of folks entering the event. Thus giving the impression that individuals were in a rush to get in and also there are plenty of them!

You can then follow up with a quick voice over to cover the main selling points and highlights of the show. Be sure to cover the vital points first, People have to fed, watered and have bathroom breaks as well as be stimulated on a personal and business level. Therefore, you need to highlight these points early and cover the various facilities and incentives available. After you have carried this out you’ll be able to move onto the main part of the video.

The main part is incredibly different from those company videos you see. It’s not about a product or corporate style movie, but should list the reasons why people may want to visit or exhibit. This can be achieved in two main ways. To start with look at it from a visitor’s perspective.

What do they want to do when they get there. Why not have a quick chat with 2 or 3 people and get it on camera in the event that you can use it later. They will often provide you with a number of main reasons why they wished to attend and this will act as a good selling point for potential visitors.

Also grab a couple of people as they leave a very popular lecture or presentation. If google, facebook, twitter or ebay are there speaking about their products and associated technology, why not receive the thoughts of an attendee.

You can also have a chat with someone as they leave a conference seminar or as they move off an exhibition stand. Attempt to interview someone who has been on a booth for a long time because they may be more enthusiastic to talk about their experience.

When you have the main footage you should end the video with a final thought and some sort of proactive approach. This is “get the tickets now by visiting ….” or show a web address for visitors.

Then you can certainly start with the exhibitors or presenters/speakers at the show. Have a round up of their experiences and then use the positive testimonials. If you can have the guest speaker from google then get them to talk about why people are interested. This may add credibility to your message and present the film with more weight in the eyes of visitors and exhibitors alike.

At the end of the day enjoy yourself and allow the creative juices to flow. You’ll discover that you produce your better work if you are having a great time and don’t forget to shoot one or two hours of video. You’ll have more good bits to choose from.


business level,

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