Freeze Dried Food
It is a matter of planning to make sure that your family will survive a disaster. Have you thought that a financial collapse, strikes and riots are just as much a disaster as extreme weather or an earthquake?
The supply chain to supermarkets and general stores is the first to be affected after a manmade or natural disaster that will leave them short of produce.Once people realize that the food is not getting through or likely to be delayed they will buy up and hoard all available resources.
When there is an emergency you must have a prepared source of food and water store so that you can feed your family during the crisis. After all you buy insurance for your house and your car, why not food insurance?
Freeze dried food can be stored for up to 25 years and stay as fresh, tasty and nutritious as the day it was packaged. Rehydrating the food can be achieved with hot or cold water so that the food is ready to eat even if you have no stove.There is a large range of prepared meals that are available including deserts!
Many people living in areas of extreme weather, like hurricanes and tornados, will purchase 3-6 months of emergency food to store away in case of emergency. Most however will admit that really they buy it to use on a daily basis because they love the taste and convenience. Even people that live out in areas where they are miles from a store use this product as it is a safe way to store food for long periods of time.Because of the long shelf life and the convenience of the storage containers these people will have a year’s supply delivered in one go.
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